Mining WHS Development
Michael Lawrance & Associates provides professional ohs services with project management, IT and administration support to deliver the following:
Working with mine management, operators and whs management to review and improve all procedures (including underground, fixed plant and mobile plant maintenance). This includes full documentation and document management.
Underground mining ohs risk assessment, review and development of Safety and Standard Operating Procedures , maintenance procedures and assessments.
Review and prioritisation of critical tasks from an occupational safety perspective with ohs, mining and maintenance managers and operators/maintenance staff.
Review of existing procedures and supporting documentation with whs management, operators/maintenance staff and managers.
Development and drafting of operating procedures and supporting documentation with managers and operators/maintenance staff.
Procedures peer reviewed by the Mine, including involved manager/s, staff, whs personnel and health and safety representative/s.
Final operating and maintenance procedures documentation prepared and delivered with accompanying assessments where required for placing on the mine system.
Tracking, recording and organising the information trail for the above work.